Take a Look at Allen Community Members Dream Building During Our March Design Weekend
See the Community Survey Results, and Continue to Participate and Share Your Thoughts on Downtown Allen!
Downtown Allen –Dare to Dream is a community wide visioning process to develop a menu of possibilities for revitalizing the Heart of Allen, our original Downtown. Led by a citizen steering committee appointed by Council in summer 2021, the first phase of the process began with research and exploration and has now progressed to Phase 2 -community engagement and feedback.

Scenario Feedback
Downtown's three scenario ideas are created based upon the information gathered and refined from the Community and Stakeholder input at our Design Weekend and Visioning Workshops. Please provide your feedback by taking this survey!

What We've Heard From You!
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. More than 900 people participated. See the survey highlights here!

Idea Wall
More than 130 people shared their ideas and suggestions on the online idea wall, and many more voted on them. See those big ideas from your community!
Participate as the Visioning Process Evolves Into a Final Action Plan!
The visioning process will be divided into three parts: Discovery, Development, and Delivery. Each step is a milestone that is used to track the progress of the process. Be involved in the Discovery and Development phases so the final report presented to Council represents the vision from our residents citywide!

Frequently Asked Questions
How to participate?
To participate head over to the "Community Input" page and take the survey, leave a comment on the Idea wall or drop a pin on our interactive map!
Also check the "Events" page for in-person participation.
How to get Updates?
Keep an eye out on our "Events" page to see community upcoming events. You can also Sign Up Here to Receive Emails about Future Community Engagement Opportunities
What if I miss a meeting/event?
Check back here regularly for updates and check our Events Page for future public events.
As our public meetings begin, we will be posting recordings and meeting material in our document library!

Latest News
Click here to see the latest news and posts about the downtown revitalization.